Vibration and contact detector - Bentel

Vibration and contact detector - Bentel

Vibration and contact detector. Useful to protect from infringements (windows, doors, walls and roofs). Quality and reliable product. Made by Bentel - BW-SHK

Reference: BW-SHK

Brand: Bentel Security

EAN: 8056450376310



Vibration and contact detector, extremely perceptible and reliable. Suitable for doors, windows, walls and roofs. It protects from infringements.

The vibration and contact detector BW-SHKby Bentel, is one of the best professional detectors on the market.

This device is able to protect doors, windows, walls and roofs from any infringements.
Suitable for residential and commercial environments.

Extremely reliable product.

Product Details

  • Vibration and contact detector - Bentel
  • It protects doors, windows, walls and roofs from any infringements/housebreakings.
  • High precision Detector (both minor and violent impacts)
  • Easy to install
  • High Quality
  • Modern design

Vibration and contact detector, high precision - Bentel

Data Sheet

Data Sheet not available

Further Information


Bentel Security is a traditional point of reference for the SAFETY sector and is the leading brand for anti-intrusion and fire alarm systems.
Bentel Security is one of the largest Italian companies in the Security and Alarm Systems field. Founded in 1983 in Grottammare (AP) from an Italian project. In 1998 it had been acquired by the Canadian group SDC and in 2001 joined the American multinational company TYCO, the largest systems integrator in the world, a world leader in the Security Sector.
The wide range of their designed products, offers all Italian quality, reliability, high performances and guarantee.

All our products are in conformity with the in force CE normative (read here). To ask for a copy of the certification fill out this form

Questions (1)

From Cris Cris | 2018-08-11 23:01:07

Buonasera, ho una mansarda con due finestre velux molto grandi. Ho già in essere un impianto di allarme, ma vorrei poter tenere aperte le finestre la notte, quindi vorrei poter mettere dei sensori sul tetto. Questo tipo di sensori si possono collocare sulle tegole o dove esattamente sul tetto? Inoltre, devono essere collegati ad un impianto di allarme?
In attesa di Vs. risposta invio saluti.


Questo sensore funziona solo con le centrali BW della Bentel.

Inoltre è un sensore da interno ed è fatto per sistemi rigidi (come un infisso o un vetro). E’ difficile che le tegole distribuiscano le vibrazioni in modo ottimale.

In alternativa si può pensare di installare un volumetrico sul tetto, bisognerebbe però sapere che tipo di centrale ha.

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