DS-PDHT-E-WE - Hikvision Temperature Sensor 868Mhz Up to 1.6Km
CSA 1001-M-TST - High Security Internal Twin Sense Contact - CSA
BXS-RW - Dual PIR detector for external side view - IP55
38202.14.NC1 - Ajax module for integrating WiFi sensors into wired systems
BLADE 02 - AMC outdoor siren 100dB sound power - Red LED flashing light - Blade 02 AMC
BLADE 02-WB - AMC outdoor siren 100dB sound power - Blue LED flashing - Blade 02-WB AMC
BLADE 02-WW - AMC outdoor siren 100dB sound power - White LED flashing - Blade 02-WW AMC
K-LCD LIGHT PLUS - LCD Backlit Remote Keyboard Light Plus - AMC
ARD2231-W2-868 - PIR detector - Dual Infrared + Microwave technology - Detection up to 12m
FPDELTAX-BR-CW - Wired outdoor siren - 109dB sound pressure - flashing LED
CSA 1021-N - Anti-tear High Security Contact IP65 - CSA
BW-241 - Wireless Portable Keyboard - PowerG 868MHz - Bentel
DS-PWA32-HGR - Central Alarm Hikvision AXIOM HUB GPRS 868MHz Wireless Wire
BKP-LCD - Premium LCD Keyboard - Bentel
DS-PDPC12P-EG2-WE - Hikvision AXPro Motion Sensor Pir-cam Wireless 868Mhz 12M 85.9 ° Pet Immunity
BW-DTM - Motion Sensor Mirror Dual Technology - Bentel
EVO192 - Paradox EVO192 Hybrid 8 Zone Expandable Alarm Control Panel 192
117739.294.NC - Superior MultiTransmitter IO (4x4) Fiber - Wired module with 4 inputs and 4 outputs - Ajax
CSA 1031-N - Contact High Security IP65 Remote Test - CSA
BW-REP - Wireless Relay - Bentel
DS-PDD12P-EG2-WE - Hikvision Banda-K Pir Motion Sensor Wireless 868Mhz 12M 85.9 ° Pet Immunity
DS-PDC10DM-EG2-WE - Hikvision K-Band Wireless Dual Technology AM Curtain Detector - Pet Immune
CSA 1001-N-TST - High security 1001-N-TST magnetic contact IP65 -
DS-PR1-WE - DS-PR1-WE - Wireless repeater - 868Mhz - Bidirectional communication - LED display - AXPro
Consult our list that you can download here, you will be contacted in a few hours.