Outdoor 100x3m Dual PIR Detector with Anti-Creep and Anti-Mask Zone - Optex

Outdoor 100x3m Dual PIR Detector with Anti-Creep and Anti-Mask Zone - Optex

Outdoor dual infrared detector with anti-masking function provides a detection coverage of 100 x 3 meters , offering 28 detection zones. It features an intelligent sensor that adapts sensitivity based on ambient light and temperature, supported by an advanced detection algorithm for optimal performance. Anti-vandalism functions protect the device from tampering, while the logical detection and range selector ensures customized configuration. The alarm range is adjustable and the installation is compatible with heights between 2.3 and 4 meters , making it a versatile solution for outdoor security. - SIP-100

referencia : SIP-100

brand : Optex



Rilevatore a doppio PIR

Product details

  • Outdoor Dual PIR Detector
  • Anti-creep
  • Anti-masking
  • To branch
  • Detection coverage 100x3 m
  • Mounting for height 2.3 - 4 m
  • Dimensions 271x102x290 mm
  • Weight: 1.6 Kg

Technical data sheet


Detection method Passive infrared
Coverage (main area) 100x3 m (330 x 10 ft.)
Coverage (creep zone) 3.5m (10x16ft.) installed at 2.3m (7.6ft.) height, 6x9m (20x30ft.) installed at 4m (13ft.) height, detection angle adjustable horizontally
Power input 11-16 VDC 22-26 VAC, 22-26 VAC with optional heating unit
Current draw 45mA max. (12VDC) 80mA (24VDC), 420mA max. (24VAC) with optional heating unit
Mounting height 2.3 to 4m (7.6 to 13ft)
Sensitivity selector Far: SH/H/M/L Near: SH/H/M/L
Range selector to: On/Off
Detection logic selector And/Or
Alarm output (main area) Make area: NO, NC, 28 VDC 0.2A max.
Near area: NO, NC, 28 VDC 0.2A max.
Alarm output (creep zone) NO, NC, 28 VDC 0.2A max.
Alarm interval period Off/15, 30, 60 sec.
Troubleshooting NC, 28 VDC 0.2 A max.
Tamper-proof NC, 28 VDC 0.1 A max.
Alarm period approx. 2 sec.
Warm-up period approx. 60 sec.
Operating temperature -25 to 60°C, -40 to +60°C with optional heating unit (-13 to + 140°F, -40 to 140°F with optional heating unit)
IP rating Main unit: IP66
Frame: IP55
Dimensions 271x102x290 mm (10.7x4.0x11.4 in.)
Weight 1.6kg (56oz)

Detection area


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